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Bega Valley Shire Council is pleased to announce restoration works to the Cattle Bay foreshore in Eden will begin after the spring school holidays.
The section of Cattle Bay foreshore in Eden to be restored.
27 September 2024
Bega Valley Shire Council is pleased to announce restoration works to the Cattle Bay foreshore in Eden will begin after the spring school holidays.
Council’s Property and Legal Manager, Rickee Marshall said in 2009, a strip of foreshore land at Cattle Bay (previously the old cannery site) was dedicated to Council as part of a subdivision of adjacent privately-owned property.
“In 2019, the adjoining landowner undertook minor rehabilitation efforts, creating a temporary car park and some basic public amenities.
“However, the site has remained closed with temporary fencing for public safety, as it still requires substantial remediation.
“After extensive negotiations, Council reached an agreement with the adjoining landowner to restore the foreshore land and establish an easement for access and services.
“This paves the way for a long-term solution for the landowner’s proposed marina development, both landside and over the Crown waterway.
“Under this agreement, the landowner has engaged local contractors to carry out the restoration, which will involve removing uneven concrete and the existing car park, alongside constructing a new car park with 20 spaces and landscaping the remaining area.”
The restoration work is expected to last about 10 to 12 weeks, weather permitting.
Once the demolition of the existing car park begins, parking will not be available on-site for about 8 to 10 weeks and there will be limited pedestrian access for up to three days during the demolition phase.
Council is committed to closely collaborating with external contractors throughout the duration of the works.
Ms Marshall said once the foreshore restoration is complete, both the local community and visitors will have the chance to enjoy easy access to the park, beach and existing wharf, providing a vibrant space for recreation, relaxation and social gatherings.
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