Information about Council's regular services and programs.
Information about Council's community initiatives and support.
Information about doing business and investing in the shire.
Information about Building and Development in the Bega Valley Shire.
Information about how Council operates.
The process for lodging a planning application with Bega Valley Shire Council changes from 1 July 2021.
The process for lodging a planning application with Bega Valley Shire Council changes from 1 July 2021.
The NSW Planning Portal is a digital platform used to lodge planning applications. The platform is already being used by a number of councils across NSW. Hardcopy applications and documents emailed to Council will no longer be accepted after 30 June 2021.
The use of the portal will apply to the following applications and certificates:
The customer will be kept informed during the assessment process through to determination via the NSW Planning Portal.
Information about development proposals and their assessment will also remain available to the community through Council’s Application Tracker
Development Applications: Building or renovating? Council can assist you in determining if you need approval for your project and in gathering the right information to obtain your development consent.
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332