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As summer approaches, Bega Valley Shire residents are reminded to stay snake-safe, with the likelihood of encounters increasing in both natural areas and around the home.
A red belly black snake, a common species in the Bega Valley Shire. Photo by Matt Clancy, licensed under a Creative Commons license. Cropped from an original image.
15 November 2024
As summer approaches, Bega Valley Shire residents are reminded to stay snake-safe, with the likelihood of encounters increasing in both natural areas and around the home.
Environmental Management Coordinator, Derek Van Bracht said snakes can be found across a variety of Council assets, including reserves and cemeteries.
“With snakes becoming more active, it’s worth taking a few precautions to help you and the snakes to stay safe,” Mr Van Bracht said.
“Commonly found near warm surfaces like asphalt, rocks or concrete, snakes may also seek refuge under firewood piles, building materials or in garden areas to avoid excessive heat.”
“If you encounter a snake, never attempt to catch or kill it, as this is when most bites occur.
“Snakes are not naturally aggressive and tend to retreat when possible, typically only striking if they feel threatened or are injured.
“Instead, stay calm, keep children and pets away and contact a licensed snake catcher if removal is necessary.
“Stay vigilant and snake-safe this season and keep in mind that snakes are a valuable part of our ecosystem.”
All native snakes in NSW are protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. To learn more about snakes, visit the NSW Government website.
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