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Council is pleased to announce free entry to SECCA (South East Centre for Contemporary Art) and the Archibald exhibition on the weekend of 9 and 10 December.
Photo credit: David Rogers Photography
5 December 2023
Bega Valley Shire Council is pleased to announce free entry to SECCA (South East Centre for Contemporary Art) and the Archibald exhibition on the weekend of 9 and 10 December.
SECCA Director, Iain Dawson said shire residents and visitors are welcome to celebrate the opening of the renovated gallery and Australia’s foremost portraiture exhibition at the SECCA Community Weekend.
“Since we opened SECCA two weeks ago, we’ve had more than 2,000 people through the gallery enjoying the Archibald Prize 2023 and the overall ambiance of this exceptional and impressive setting,” Mr Dawson said.
“To thank the community for being so patient and supportive during the major renovations, Saturday 9 December will feature free art workshops, roving performers, the screening of an acclaimed short film, music and food trucks.
“We will also announce the winners of the Young Archies, a portrait competition we held for budding young artists in the shire aged between 5 and 18 years.”
Mr Dawson said the Archibald exhibition presents 57 portraits of public figures and cultural identities from all walks of life.
“It’s a privilege to have the Archibald Prize 2023 as our inaugural exhibition, particularly now we have increased exhibition space, storage, workshop capacity and a retail shop.
“Sam’s Caravan will be on site with all sorts of music, there will be performances by FLING physical theatre artists, live art classes and a rolling screening of Del Kathryn Barton’s short film, The Nightingale & the Rose.
“This short film is a collaboration between artist Del Kathryn Barton and celebrated director Brendan Fletcher which reimagines Oscar Wilde’s timeless fairy-tale through a sophisticated artistic lens.”
Go to the SECCA website for further details.
“SECCA is a place where everyone is welcome; a space where people can come to experience art and free expression, to learn about different cultures and above all, be inspired,” Mr Dawson said.
This project has been assisted by the Reconnecting Regional NSW Grant program and the Bega Valley Shire Council Community Grants Program.
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