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Councillor Russell Fitzpatrick was re-elected Mayor in the additional ordinary Council meeting today and Councillor Cathy Griff was elected Deputy Mayor.
Councillor Russell Fitzpatrick was re-elected Mayor in the additional ordinary Council meeting today and Councillor Cathy Griff was elected Deputy Mayor.
Mayor Fitzpatrick said it was an honour to be re-elected as Mayor.
“I’m humbled and honoured to be re-elected and look forward to delivering to our community over the next 12 months. I thank my fellow councillors for their support.
“Congratulations to Cr Griff on her election to Deputy Mayor and Cr Karen Wright for standing for the position, I look forward to working with them.
“Thanks to outgoing Deputy Mayor, Cr Liz Seckold for her unwavering support during my time as Mayor.”
Cr Griff takes over the role of Deputy Mayor from Cr Seckold.
“I’m thrilled to be in the position of Deputy Mayor. The role has a lot of potential to support the Mayor in spreading the message about the positive achievements of Council through these very tough times,” Cr Griff said.
“My focus over the coming year will build on my work in protecting our precious environment and confronting our affordable housing challenges.”
Council CEO, Anthony McMahon congratulated the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on their appointment.
“I’d like to congratulate Cr Fitzpatrick on his re-election as Mayor and Cr Griff on her election as Deputy Mayor,” Mr McMahon said.
“Mayors elected by councillors normally hold their office for two years unless a casual vacancy occurs, but due to the postponement of the last ordinary council elections to 4 December 2021, Mayors elected by councillors during this term, have had a shorter term than the usual two years.
“Under the Act, councils that elect their Mayor are required to hold mid-term Mayoral elections in September.
“The term of office for Mayor Fitzpatrick will automatically expire on 14 September 2024, when his term as a Councillor expires.
“Next year the Bega Valley Shire will have a popularly elected Mayor, where they will have their own ballot paper.
“The Mayor elected to the position this way will serve a four-year term instead of two.”
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