Eden Library, Eden LALC and Twofold Aboriginal Corporation deliver tech training

Eden Library has partnered with the Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) and Twofold Aboriginal Corporation (TAC) to provide technology training to the local community.

Eden Library Eden LALC Twofold Aborignal Corporation tech training

15 July 2022

Eden Library has partnered with the Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) and Twofold Aboriginal Corporation (TAC) to provide technology training to the local community.

Jigamy is home to the Monaroo-Bobberrer Gudu Keeping Place where both Eden LALC and TAC deliver many services to the local Aboriginal community.

Council’s Customer Experience Librarian, Cat McLean said the technology training funded by the NSW State Library and Telstra shone a light on iPads and smartphones, and offered one-on-one help with more specific technology queries.

“It’s such a rewarding experience to expand this program to the community at Jigamy and develop the skills required in our digital world of technology,” Ms McLean said.

“We welcome any kind of technology question—nothing is too great an ask.”

Chair of Eden LALC, Uncle BJ Cruse said the training offered valuable tools for people less familiar with technology.

“When you get older it is harder to pick up the latest technology which many young people take for granted. It was good to learn how to use many of the latest features of phones and computers, often necessary for our day-to-day lives,” Uncle BJ Cruse said.

Modern devices change so quickly, making it difficult to navigate if people aren’t confident using the technology.

“That’s where we come in,” Ms McLean said.

“If we don’t know the answer to a technology issue straight away, we will go through the process of figuring it out with you—it’s where some of the best learning takes place for everyone.”

Eden Marine High School’s Aboriginal Education Officer, Stacy Muscat said the training offered a great way for people to connect at Jigamy.

“It was great to see young kids sit down with their elders and interact with them in their world,” Ms Muscat said.

Eden LALC CEO, Mark Bateman said it was good to see the younger generation, including those from the Eden Marine High School, helping their elders navigate the digital space enabling them to communicate even when separated by distance. 

“We want to thank the NSW Department of Aboriginal Affairs for providing the IT equipment though the COVID Community Connections Project grant funding to both of our Aboriginal organisations,” Mr Bateman said.

Eden Library is hoping to hold drop-in sessions at the Monaroo-Bobberrer Gudu Keeping Place as often as once-a-month, however community members are also invited to pop into the library at a time that suits them.

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