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MEDIA RELEASE 2022 - Bega Street, Tathra will be closed between Noojee and Davidson streets for a week to allow contractors to upgrade the existing school children’s crossing.
7 February 2022
Bega Street, Tathra will be closed between Noojee and Davidson streets for a week to allow contractors to upgrade the existing school children’s crossing.
From Monday 14 February to Monday 21 February, all traffic will be detoured via Tomigee, Bay and Davidson streets.
Affected residents on Bega Street will be able to access their properties via Bega Street under Local Traffic Only conditions.
The Tathra Primary School ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone will remain accessible for school drop-off and pick-up only, however entry to and exit from the drop-off site will be via the Noojee and Bega streets intersection.
The Sapphire Coast Medical Practice and the Enhance Service Station will remain accessible under traffic control, with entry and exit via the Davidson and Bega streets intersection.
Parking will not be permitted along the southern side of Bay Street and eastern side of Tomigee Street for the duration of the works.
The school, medical practice and service station have been notified of the works, as have Sapphire Coast Buses, Bega Police and Bega Ambulance.
Affected residents have been notified via letterbox drop.
The upgrade of the crossing is jointly funded by the NSW and Australian governments as part of the NSW Government Road Safety Program, School Zone Infrastructure Sub Program to improve the safety of school children.
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Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332