Information about Council's regular services and programs.
Information about Council's community initiatives and support.
Information about doing business and investing in the shire.
Information about Building and Development in the Bega Valley Shire.
Information about how Council operates.
Councillors and senior Council staff will be at local markets and community days in May to gather feedback on the future plans prepared for the shire.
Bega Valley Shire Councillors (from left): Tony Allen, Joy Robin, Cathy Griff, Karen Wright, Russell Fitzpatrick, Mitchell Nadin, Liz Seckold, Helen O'Neil and David Porter.
22 April 2022
Councillors and senior Council staff will be at local markets and community days in May to gather feedback on the future plans prepared for the shire.
Mayor Russell Fitzpatrick said Councillors were keen to meet and chat to as many members of the community as possible next month.
“We’re going where the action is. Local markets and community days provide the ideal opportunity for Councillors to meet people where they’re at … where they live and in a relaxed and informal setting.”
Cr Fitzpatrick said Councillors welcomed feedback about upcoming projects and the future plans the newly elected Council team have developed for the shire.
“The Bega Valley Community Strategic Plan 2042 and Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan provide the roadmap for the shire,” Cr Fitzpatrick said.
“Staff and Councillors have spent quite some time assessing our priorities and resources so we can build a strong plan for the future.
“We’re coming to Bemboka, Cobargo, Bermagui, Merimbula, Bega and Eden and want to meet as many people as possible.
“Look for the Council marquee at events or locations in these towns and let us know what you think about our plans for the future.”
The draft documents will be on public exhibition from 4 May to 1 June.
Councillors in the Community schedule
Saturday 7 May at the Drive into Bemboka Community Day (Bemboka Hall car park) from 10am to 11.30am.
Wednesday 11 May at the Valiant Coffee Nook (Main Street), Cobargo from 9am to 10.30am.
Thursday 12 May at Bermagui Growers and Makers Markets (Bermagui Country Club) from 3.30pm to 5pm.
Sunday 15 May at Merimbula Seaside Markets (Ford Park) from 9am to 10.30am.
Friday 20 May at Bega SCPA Markets (Littleton Gardens) from 9.30am to 11am.
Saturday 21 May at the Eden Community Market from 9am to 10.30am.
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To submit a media enquiry or to request an interview:
Councillors can be contacted directly for enquiries regarding decisions of the elected Council and non-operational matters. Interviews with the Mayor should be arranged through the Communication and Events team contact details above.
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Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332