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MEDIA RELEASE 2021 - Council is seeking feedback on its planning proposal to change minimum site areas for dwellings, multi dwelling housing and residential flat buildings, in order to increase the supply of housing in the shire.
20 August 2021
Bega Valley Shire Council is seeking feedback on its planning proposal to change minimum site areas for dwellings, multi dwelling housing and residential flat buildings, in order to increase the supply of housing in the shire.
Council’s Director of Community, Environment and Planning, Alice Howe says the controls in the current Local Environmental Plan restrict the types of development the shire needs.
“By removing these barriers, more units and multi-dwelling housing could be built in our medium density residential and mixed-use zones,” Dr Howe said.
“It would also allow these houses to be built on existing blocks of land less than 550 square metres if connected to a sewer system.
“The benefits of the proposed changes would take some time to be realised but would support increased housing stock across the shire over time.”
Dr Howe said the Bega Valley Shire Residential Land Strategy 2040 identifies new requirements and objectives for residential development in urban areas, with the aim to increase housing diversity and ensure the best use of available zoned and serviced land.
Comments on the planning proposal, on Council’s Have Your Say webpage, are welcome during the exhibition period, which runs from 20 August to 19 September.
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PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
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