Waste Strategy Development

The project will review and update Council’s adopted 'Recycling the Future' Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2018-2028, setting a new time horizon of 2025-2035.

Aerial view of our Central Waste Facility

Project Summary/background

Council’s adopted “Recycling the Future” Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2018-2028 is due for review and update. The project will redevelop the strategy, reflecting on progress against the existing objectives and ensuring a new strategy is fit for the future based on evolving community needs/wants, technology, environment and regulation.

Bega Valley Shire Council is responsible for providing waste collection and waste management services to its community. These services are highly technical, both scientific and engineered, requiring a carefully considered balance of operational activity, asset management and business administration to achieve strategic outcomes. Waste operations are also heavily regulated with direct influence from Federal and State government applying to local government waste operations.

A service area strategy is required to guide the provision of services now and into the future that; is fit for purpose, meets our legislative requirements, meets community expectations, is sustainable, and aligns insofar as is possible with adopted and emerging best practice.


The key objectives of the strategy are:

  • Meet our legislative requirements
  • Meet applicable Federal and State Government waste targets
  • Outline the community’s desires of the service
  • Define the Council’s waste management and recycling service
  • Outline how Council will deliver the service in a safe, sustainable and prioritised way
  • Establish a program to deliver any changes required of the service and its assets via projects
  • Integrate the strategy with Council’s Resourcing Strategy and other relevant strategies and plans to enable its realisation.


The project is an operational project funded from the Waste Fund. The total project budget estimate is $170,238 covering internal salaries (sunk cost), community engagement materials, waste auditing consultants and minor project administration costs.

Connection to Council's Community Strategic Plan

The Waste Strategy sits across two CSP Themes: Our Environment and Our Infrastructure.

The Strategy meets our commitment to the following CSP Strategies:

  • C.3. Collaborate with partners and our community to support innovative approaches to waste minimisation and increase reuse and recycling opportunities
  • D.1. Plan for community infrastructure and services that will meet current and future needs
  • D.2. Provide infrastructure and services to meet the needs of residents in our towns, villages and rural areas

The development of the strategy also involves the “Our Civic Leadership” CSP Theme, and the following CSP Strategies in that theme.

  • E.2. Ensure the community has opportunities to actively engage and contribute in a timely manner to the things that affect their daily lives using relevant and varied communication channels
  • E.3. Councillors, council staff and the community work in partnership to identify and deliver community aspirations
  • E.4. Council has robust financial management processes to ensure ongoing viability and value for money
  • E.5. Council resources are managed in order to meet agreed service delivery standards and deliver value for money
  • E.6. Council decision making seeks to optimize environmental, social and economic outcomes for our community, while mitigating financial, legal, environmental, reputational and safety risks.


Who to talk to

Tim Cook
Waste Strategy Coordinator 
Bega Valley Shire Council
Phone: (02) 6499 2207
Email: TCook@begavalley.nsw.gov.au


Timeline of works

The project kicks off in July 2023 and seeks adoption by Council resolution in February 2025. Key dates for the community:


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