Merimbula Skatepark Project

This project will replace the existing aging skatepark located at Berrambool with a new facility at Ford Park, Merimbula. The new site is located adjacent to the existing basketball court, inclusive play area and the beach.

A collection of images showing the proposed style and design of the proposed skatepark.

Project background

The project to upgrade the Merimbula Skatepark began in 2019 when Sapphire Coast Skate Association was formed and began assessment of sites which could be suitable for a new skatepark in Merimbula.

On 28 October 2020 and 16 June 2021, information and proposals were reported to Council. On 22 March 2023, after Council received an invitation to apply for funding under the Federal Government's Investing In Our Communities Program, Council endorsed Ford Park as the preferred location for the project.

A finding application was submitted, and in June 2023, the Sapphire Coast Skate Association engaged a specialist skatepark designer (Baseplate) and began work on a design brief and concept design for the project.


The project will replace the aging skatepark at Berrambool. The project includes design work and planning approvals including a review of environmental factors and native title assessment.

Construction will include earthworks and sub-grade preparation, and construction of the skatepark and connecting paths.

The new skatepark will have excellent flow between elements and focuses on beginner to intermediate skill levels, with some advanced elements. It will be accessible to all with DDA compliant entrance points, viewing areas, and considered skatepark design elements to promote use and inclusion.

The new skatepark has been designed to work with the existing land form, create clear and open entry points and importantly, provide elements that do not exist in the surrounding skateparks to further enhance the diversity of skate terrain in the broader area.


The project is funded through a $500k grant through the Federal Government’s Investing In Our Communities Program.

The Sapphire Coast Skate Association have commissioned the design work.

Council has not allocated funds to this project.

Connection to Council's Community Strategic Plan

This project aligns with Bega Valley Shire Council Community Strategic Plan through:

  • Delivery program D5.4: Undertake capital projects to renew and upgrade recreation facilities including boating infrastructure, play & skate, parkland, public toilets and sporting facilities and assets.
  • Delivery program D5.4.4: Progress with and deliver projects for Play & Skate infrastructure – Merimbula Skatepark


Who to talk to

Mark Baker
Project Manager
Bega Valley Shire Council
Phone: 0475 913 524


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