Local Swimming Pools

Bega Valley Shire Council swimming pool hours of operation and fees.

2024/2025 Outdoor Pool Season

Preparation and recruitment is currently underway for the upcoming Bega Valley Shire Council Outdoor Pool Season. This season traditionally operates from October through to the last Sunday in March.

With Council commencing management of the Bega War Memorial Pool this season, we have undertaken additional planning and recruitment in preparation for the season. If you are interested in learning more about the employment opportunities available or joining our team, please visit Careers at Council.

Cobargo Swimming Pool, continues to be operated by our experienced and respected local operator, Jim Gustard.

We look forward to seeing everyone back making a splash for the 2024/ 2025 season.

COVIDSafe Update

In order to remain COVIDSafe for our staff and customers, when attending our facilities, please:

  • Follow NSW Government restrictions and health advice (COVID-19 rules | NSW Government)
  • Maintain good hygiene practices and follow physical distancing (1.5m) where possible.
  • Respect and follow reasonable staff instructions
  • Do not visit our facilities if unwell, have flu like symptoms, a positive case or required to be following self-isolation rules.

We appreciate your patience and consideration as we continue to provide our facilities for the community in a COVIDSafe way.

Outdoor Pools Entry Fees

As per the adopted 2024/2025 BVSC Fees and Charges, please see updated swimming pool casual entry and season ticket prices (excludes SAC)

Who is eligible for concession entry to pools? Pensioner Concession Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Seniors Card, DVA Health Card and Student Card is eligible. Free Admission to Carers (Accompanying Concession Card Holder) is also given.

EFTPOS Available at BVSC Managed Facilities: Bega, Bemboka, Candelo, Eden and SAC.

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Pool information

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