Cobargo Public Amenities

Rebuilding of the Main Street public amenity and a new public amenity at the Apex Park in Cobargo.

Project Summary/background

The main public amenity building located on the Princes Highway; Main Street Cobargo was completely destroyed during the devastating black summer bushfires of 2020.

Bega Valley Shire Council’s Recovery, Rebuilding & Resilience Program is progressing with the rebuild of this essential public amenity for the community.  Preliminary design concepts are now on display for the amenity to be rebuilt at the same location on the main street in Cobargo.

Strong community support for an amenity to also be built in Apex Park, Cobargo was considered and at the 16 December 2020 meeting Council directed staff to seek funding for construction.  Bega Valley Shire Council has since successfully secured funding through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (Phase 2) for construction of the new Apex Park, Cobargo amenity.


Funding has been secured for the new amenities building at Apex Park via the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (Phase 2). This program has been implemented by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.

Connection to Council's Community Strategic Plan

This project is connected to Council's Community Strategic Plan through Outcome 6; Goal 11; Strategy 28.

  • Outcome 6: Strong Consultative Leader
  • Goal 11: We are an informed and engaged community with a transparent, consultative and responsive Council.
  • Strategy 28: Consistently engage and consult across the whole co to ensure that a diversity of voices are heard and that feedback is captured and considered for decision-making and advocating purposes.


Who can I speak to:

Cobargo Main Street Amenity

Apex Park, Cobargo Public Amenity

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