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Brighter Futures is a voluntary targeted support program for families with young children who are encountering challenges that can impact on the care of the children.
Brighter Futures is a program based on supporting families in creating and maintaining positive and nurturing environments for children in the early years of their lives.
Participation in Brighter Futures is voluntary. The program provides targeted early intervention services to families with children aged under 9 years, or who are expecting a child, where the children are at high risk of entering or escalating within the statutory child protection system. It is a strengths based program with flexibility to ensure unique family and individual needs can be met.
Parenting is hard work and at times families may be confronted with additional challenges that impact on their capacity to parent. Brighter Futures provides extra help and support during these difficult times. The aim of the program is to work with families helping them to build on their strengths and reduce the likelihood of their problems escalating. There can be significant and ongoing benefits for parents and children who participate in the program. Families can be on the program for up to 2 years.
If your family is experiencing any of the following problems we would welcome the opportunity to discuss the program with you:
Referrals will be prioritsed as follows:
Participation is voluntary – you can leave the program at any time. If you move out of the Bega Valley Shire we can transfer you to another Brighter Futures program in NSW.
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332