Information about Council's regular services and programs.
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Information about doing business and investing in the shire.
Information about Building and Development in the Bega Valley Shire.
Information about how Council operates.
The Bega Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund is a perpetual fund established by Bega Valley Shire Council in partnership with Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast.
The Bega Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund (BVCDRF) is a perpetual disaster relief fund established by Bega Valley Shire Council (BVSC) in partnership with the Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast (SJA).
The Fund was established to support the Bega Valley community in the aftermath of major disasters, such as the Black Summer bushfires. It is governed and managed by the Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast, Council and independent community members.
It consults with individuals, localities, service providers and case managers as part of its decision making about grant distributions and continues to have an over-arching focus on resilience and health and wellbeing issues.
The Fund consults with individuals, communities, service providers and case managers to determine need and the nature of funding allocations. Recovery, resilience and wellbeing are the Fund’s over-arching focus for ongoing decision making.
In mid-2020 the management committee trialled an application and distribution process with the Cobargo community following a large donation made by the Villers-Bretonneux community in France who asked that their funds be spent in the Cobargo area.
As a result of the pilot, the scheme was extended to bushfire-impacted communities across the Valley.
Projects supported by Rounds One and Two of the program focused on providing direct financial assistance to people impacted by the Black Summer bushfires including meeting critical and acute needs like, but not limited to, fuel, firewood, household appliances and clothing. The Fund continues to provide support to individuals through $500 Round Two grants.
Bega Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund Annual Report for the period of January 2020 to June 2022.
Bega Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund Annual Report for the period of April 2022 to March 2023.
Zingel Place
PO Box 492
Bega NSW 2550
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 4.30PM
Administration building Zingel Place Bega
ABN: 26 987 935 332