Australian Citizenship

How to arrange to apply become an Australian Citizen with the Department of Home Affairs and make arrangements with Bega Valley Shire Council to attend a Citizenship Ceremony once your application has been approved.

How to apply to become an Australian citizen and make arrangements to attend a Citizenship Ceremony.

If you would like to become an Australian citizen you can either visit to download the relevant forms or telephone 131 880 to have the application forms sent to you.Image of the Australian flag.

After completing the relevant paper work, you will be interviewed and then all information will be assessed by the Department of Home Affairs.

Once your application has been assessed, the Department of Immigration will notify Council and send you an invite for your attendance at the next Citizenship Ceremony.

Your Certificate of Australian Citizenship is forwarded to your local Council and presented on the day of the ceremony.

Note: Citizenship Ceremonies are held four times throught the year, January, March, May and September.

So, in short, the steps to follow to become an Australian citizen are:

  1. Contact the Department of Home Affairs to complete and lodge your application for citizenship. – Visit or telephone 131 880  
  2. Attend an interview
  3. Await confirmation advice from the Department of Home Affairs that your application has been successful.
  4. Await receipt of invitation to the next Citizenship Ceremony.
  5. Confirm your attendance at the ceremony (or make arrangements for a more suitable date) and advise number of guests you would like to bring with you to your Citizenship CeremonyImage of kangaroo.



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