Contracts Awarded

Contracts over $150,000 that have been awarded by Bega Valley Shire Council.

All local governments in New South Wales are required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) to record and disclose certain information about contracts with private sector bodies.

Contracts to be recorded in the register of contracts between Council and private sector bodies worth more than $150,000 and involve:

  • The contractor undertaking a specific project such as construction, infrastructure or property development;
  • The contractor agreeing to provide specific goods or services; or
  • The transfer of lease of real property.

There are three classes of Contract recognised under the GIPA Act, and the information that is to be disclosed varies with each classification.

Class 1 contracts are those over $150,000 via a tender process

Class 2 contracts are those over $150,000 and where generally there has been a public tender process and subsequent substantial negotiation with the contractor.

Class 3 contracts are those over $5 million dollars

  • Class 3 Contract: RFT 2122-054  Tathra Wharf Structure Restoration
  • Class 3 Contract: RFT 10043351 Design and Construct – Bega Water Treatment Plant
  • Class 3 Contract: Red Energy Pty Ltd – Snowy Hydro Ltd
  • Class 3 Contract – RFT 2122-065 – Pambula Sporting Complex Pavilion Building
  • Class 3 Contract - RFT 2223-032 – Bega Sports Complex Construction

To obtain a fully copy of any of the above please contact our Procurement and Contracts Team on 02 6499 2222

Contract Register

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