Towamba and Burragate Road Upgrade

The upgrade and sealing of Towamba and Burragate Roads to enable all weather access from these outlying villages to the larger commercial hubs of Eden, Bombala and Pambula.

Project summary/background

Bega Valley Shire Council was successful in securing a one-off grant from the NSW Government of $10 million for the upgrade and sealing of Towamba and Burragate Roads. The total length of the two roads is 47.4km, of which 25km is currently unsealed road; 20.4km on Towamba Road and 4.6km on Burragate Road.

The Towamba and Burragate communities are highly supportive of this project as it will enable all weather access from these outlying villages to the larger commercial hubs of Eden, Bombala and Pambula. The Towamba Valley is prone to serious flooding events and the current road condition may increase emergency response and evacuation times.

Council currently has 121 properties addressed from Towamba and Burragate Roads; and the route is used by school buses for students traveling to Eden and Pambula for secondary schooling.

Sealing of both Towamba and Burragate Roads is required to be completed by the 1 March 2022 to meet the NSW Government funding deadline.


The project intent is to seal the full length of both Towamba and Burragate Roads. This project includes sealing and resealing, pavement stabilisation, new guardrails and drainage works to improve the safety and driveability of the two roads.


This project is 100% funded by a one-off grant of $10 million from the NSW State Government.

Connection to Council's Community Strategic Plan

This project is connected to Council's Community Strategic Plan through Outcome 2; Goal 3; Strategy 6.

  • Outcome 2: Employment and Learning Opportunities
  • Goal 3: Our economy is prosperous, diverse and supported by innovative and creative businesses.
  • Strategy 6: Collaborate with relevant parties to develop and enhance the economic opportunities provided by the development of the Port of Eden, Merimbula Aiport, East West freight corridor, and tourism services and facilities.

Link to NSW Government.


Who to talk to:

Daniel Djikic
Manager Project Services
Bega Valley Shire Council
Phone: (02) 6499 2222


Timeline of works


News and Updates

Monthly Communications Update - Towamba and Burragate Road Upgrade Project


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