Sitting on top of 80,000 plastic bags!

A Bega Valley Shire Council campaign to encourage soft plastics recycling will give five winning schools a prize containing thousands of plastic bags in disguise!

Get creative and win a recycled plastic bench for your local school. Photo supplied by REPLAS.

Get creative and win a recycled plastic bench for your local school. Photo supplied by REPLAS.

29 October 2021

A Bega Valley Shire Council campaign to encourage soft plastics recycling will give five winning schools a prize containing thousands of plastic bags in disguise!

Through the competition, entrants are encouraged to keep soft plastics away from landfill and organic waste by showing creative ways to recycle their plastic bags, wrappers and packets.


“Plastic bags mightn’t sound like a very exciting prize, but by pairing with plastic recycling company, REPLAS, we’re turning about 80,000 plastic bags into some amazing benches for five winning local schools,” Council’s Waste Project Officer, Amber Gault said.

“Each of the benches contain about 16,000 plastic bags that otherwise would have ended up in landfill, and they have a unique design to brighten up any school playground.

“To be in the running to win and nominate a school of your choice, all you need to do is take a photo and show us a fun or unique way that you use your soft plastic collection bag at home.

“Our soft plastic collection bags can be picked up for free at any shire library, waste facility, or at our reception in Bega. 

“We want the community to think outside the BAG with this competition, and to have some fun while getting creative. And of course, if young kids are getting involved, they need to be reminded about safe use of plastic bags.

“You might have somewhere funny where you store your bag, a cool way to decorate it, an interesting way you transport it to the supermarket, or it might even be what you do with the bag when you’ve emptied it in the bin and scrunched the bag back up into a ball.

“The waste team will select the five most creative entries, and each winner gets to choose a local school to receive an item of recycled furniture.

“We love seeing the community recycling their soft plastics and we want everyone to see what happens after bags, wrappers and packets are emptied in the REDcycle bins at Coles or Woolworths.

“REDcycle takes the soft plastics and supplies them to recycling organisations like REPLAS who turn it into functional items like benches, decking, signs, bollards and even a recycled road surface.

“It takes a problematic waste product that can end up in our FOGO bins and flips it on its head by turning it into a valuable commodity.”

The competition is open to all Bega Valley Shire residents, from Friday 29 October. To enter, upload your photos using the form below before Wednesday 8 December 2021.

The Plastic Free FOGO project is supported through the?Environmental Trust as part of the EPA's Waste Less Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.

Entry form



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