Bemboka Garden Club
Bemboka Garden Club holds monthly meetings (First Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in February, March, April, September, October, November and at 2:00pm in May, June, July and August) at the Bemboka Sports and Recreation Club. We also organise outings to various gardens in the region and have a monthly Online Photo Competition. During each meeting there is a competition where members bring flowers and produce from their gardens. Everyone also brings something to share for supper. We're a friendly group and welcome new members.
At the end of each October comes our main event - the Annual Flower Show said to be the 'biggest on the Far-South Coast', which is always well attended.
Please contact the club using email, or call our President Margaret Deighton on 0419 976 466.
There is also a Facebook page where the yearly schedule of Meetings, Outings and the Online Photo Competition can be found.