Bega District Office, Probation & Parole Service

8.30am - 4pm: Mon - Fri (other times by arrangement)

Appointments other than during specified business hours can be arranged by phoning the above number. Offender, Courts and Non Profit organizations are the main users. Provision of advice to the Courts and Releasing Authorities and the management of offenders in the community. Street address: Bega Centre, Level 1, Suite 9, 106 Auckland Street
BEGA NSW 2550 Postal address: PO Box 267
BEGA NSW 2550 Phone: (02) 6494 8700 Fax: (02) 6494 8790

Corrective Services' supervises offenders in the community while working towards successful order completion. It promotes offenders' successful re-settlement through partnerships with other agencies and community groups.

Community Corrections aims to reduce the impact of crime on the community by effectively managing offenders and by being a decisive influence on sentencing.

It provides pre and post-sentence assessments and advice to courts and releasing authorities as well as a range of community-based interventions which take account of community protection, compliance by offenders with Court Orders, restitution to the community, and the personal and developmental needs of offenders in addressing their offending behaviour.

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