Wallaga Lake Road works suspended

Council has suspended works on Wallaga Lake Road following the discovery of an Aboriginal midden during excavation works for a stormwater drain.

21 June 2024

Council has suspended works on Wallaga Lake Road following the discovery of an Aboriginal midden during excavation works for a stormwater drain.

Council’s Director Assets and Operations, Ian Macfarlane said all works were suspended upon discovery of the midden, just north of the Lake View Drive intersection, and the site has been fenced off and secured.

“The next step is for an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) process to be undertaken and that has now commenced,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“The significance of the site will be determined by an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment which must be performed as part of that permit process.

“We have been informed the AHIP process may take between six to nine months to complete and includes consultation with the Local Aboriginal Land Council.”

“The road is open in both directions and signage placed around the site.”

This project is funded by the Transport for NSW Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund.

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