Climate change and sustainability

Local government has a key role to play in the tackling of climate change and addressing broader sustainability issues within the community. Council's responsibilities include land use planning, infrastructure planning, maintenance and construction, service delivery, regulation, education, health, utilities and a range of community, environmental and economic programs. All these responsibilities are under pressure from climate change impacts, cost increases and the community's expectation of moving towards greater sustainability.

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Climate Change

Link to Department of the Environment Climate Change.Bega Valley Shire Council (Council, BVSC) recognises that climate change is one of the greatest social, economic and environmental challenges of our time and Council accepts the science and government position on the issue. Climate change is a broad issue and can also be linked in many ways to environmental sustainability and the need to manage resources efficiently and effectively. Council itself is a significant stakeholder in the management of resources locally and as such has a duty to be efficient and reduce environmental harm where identified.

Further information on climate change can be found at…

Council must also manage climate risk to its operations and for the day to day services it provides to the community. Council completed a Climate Change Risk Assessment Adaptation Report in 2010 at the request of its insurers. This report provides guidance to the key areas of climate risk to Council.


There is no simple definition of 'sustainability'. However, it can be termed as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’

Council works with the Bega Valley Community and various agencies on programs to promote the need to move towards greater sustainability – environmentally, socially and economically.

What is Council doing?

Council has an adopted Climate Change Strategy to address these issues in its role as a local government. Council is seeking to support this work with a number of policies including a Climate Change Policy, Environment Policy and Sustainability Policy.

Council is also completing a number of projects to reduce its carbon impact emissions and save costs including solar panels, more efficient hot water systems, insulation and efficient lighting. Additionally, Council supports and enacts a range of environmental programs and projects which can have beneficial climate change and general sustainability outcomes. For example, Council has an Environment Levy and associated Community Environment Grants program to support on the ground environmental works in the community.


At home…Link to Home Comforts.

There are many things you and your family can do at home to be more sustainable, address climate change and often save money. Here are a few ways you can start…

Information on saving energy and water, recycling and waste, gardening, chemicals…

Information on improving the sustainability of a new home or renovation…

Information on how to make your home more bushfire resilient...


At work…Link to energy effiecent lighting.

When at work, there are many things a business can do to reduce its environmental impact and improve its bottom line. Here are a few ways you can start…

Information on saving energy and water, recycling and waste, chemicals…


In the community…

Community engagement and support is crucial to gaining environmental outcomes. There are a range of support mechanisms for active communities to take advantage of to create their vision of a sustainable future.

Information on community attitudes, engaging with hard to reach community sectors, funding and much more…

Council also runs a yearly Community Environmental Grants Program with applications in May-July every year. Visit our Community Programs and Partnerships webpage to find out what is happening and how to get involved in your local community.

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